
Thursday, June 23, 2011


So far no luck with the light. It seems the sun doesn't want to come out now that I actually want it too ;) I'll see if I have more luck tomorrow and if not I'll going to try the daylight lamps again on Saturday. In the meantime I've been cleaning house, I've thrown away 6 grocery bags full of paper and some board games.

If there is something I love to do it is organize. It takes time but I get a satisfaction out of it. Now that most stuff is organized it is time to start on the doll room. And it is difficult to start there because I have so much stuff I don't know where to begin! This means there will be dolls put on sale. So watch out for those on my show and sell dollpage ;)

On JamieShow Jamie, she is gorgeous bald but I love her with blond hair. There was a wig I've been keeping for years which didn't suited any of the dolls I had until now ;) So I've finally found a doll for the wig :)

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